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Intercultural Learning


While there is relative agreement on the overarching objectives of intercultural learning, the theoretical foundations and didactic concepts within the didactics of geography are controversial. The existing theoretical conceptualizations and their didactic implementation for geography teaching have considerable weaknesses. In order to compensate for these deficits, the reformulation of intercultural learning for geography teaching based on constructivism and discussions within the framework of the "New Cultural Geography" is aimed at. Furthermore, the working group is interested in the empirical investigation of processes of attitude formation about "other cultures" in geography lessons. Innovative teaching materials are also developed and tested in this area. Current research projects in this field can be found here.


Budke, Alexandra (2004): Selbst- und Fremdbilder im Geographieunterricht. In: Geographische Revue, Heft 2, S. 27-41.

Budke, Alexandra (Hrsg.) (2008): Interkulturelles Lernen im Geographieunterricht. Potsdamer Geographische Forschungen Bd. 27. Magdeburg.

Budke, Alexandra (2013): Interkulturelles Lernen. In: Kanwischer, Detlef (Hrsg.): Geographiedidaktik. Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Gestaltung des Geographieunterrichts. Stuttgart. S. 152-163.


DiZuGeo (Digital Collaboration in the Student Exchange within the context of the Geography Teacher Program)

  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Institute of Geography Education

  • Partner UoC: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Budke and Dr. Veit Maier

  • International Partner: Marc van de Coevering und Uwe Krause, Fontys University of Applied Science, Tilburg/NL and Dr. Arnoud Aardena and Joost Penninx, Radboud University Nijmegen/NL

  • Description:

    In the DiZuGeo (Digitale Zusammenarbeit beim Studierendenaustausch im Kontext der GeographielehrerInnenbildung) project, an already established intercultural exchange seminar with the Fontys University of Applyed Science at the Institute for Geography Education at the University of Cologne, which takes place regularly in winter, is to be further developed in terms of blended mobility and also offered for the first time in summer in terms of virtual exchange with the Radboud University in Nijmegen.

    Within the framework of the exchange seminar, prospective geography teachers independently develop lessons on a common topic (e.g. Europe, migration). Within the framework of DiZuGeo, virtual collaboration seminars with preparation and follow-up for physical or virtual mobility are planned.

Life stories as a method in multi-perspective geography lessons


Projekt participants: Astrid Lütje, Alexandra Budke

Time period: Start December 2018

Numerous scientific studies of geography textbooks have shown that the representations of "foreign" spaces, especially non-European ones, often produce one-sided and distorted images in the minds of learners. A multi-perspective view is only rudimentarily present in textbooks. Consistent school work with authentic personalised texts could counteract this lack. The method of life stories, which is firmly anchored in social anthropology as a scientific method of qualitative field research, offers itself as a point of orientation.


Lütje, Astrid und Budke, Alexandra (2021): „Es sind doch Begegnungen, wonach wir suchen“ Narration und Emotionalität im Geographieschulbuch. In: GW-Unterricht. 161 (1/2021). S. 35-30. [hier einsehen]

Transcultural learning in geography education using the example of HipHop

Projekt participants: Ronja Ege, Alexandra Budke

Time period: Start July 2014



The aim is to enhance the value of transcultural learning in geography teaching.  Using the example of HipHop, the diverse learning potentials of transcultural phenomena are examined. The students should learn to reflect on globalised spatial production and to develop a transcultural understanding of culture. The aim is to explore the attitudes of the students towards "other cultures" in geography lessons.


Ege, Ronja (2018): Potenziale von HipHop für transkulturelles Lernen im Geographgieunterricht. In: Budke, Alexandra & Kuckuck, Miriam (Hrsg.): Migration und Geographische Bildung. Franz Steiner: Stuttgart. S. 141 - 153.