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Political Education in Geography Lessons


Many topics that are dealt within geography lessons, such as "urban planning processes", "problems of developing countries" or the "borders of Europe", have a political component which rarely has been examined until now. We are interested in the disclosure of the political dimension of geography education from current as well as historical perspective. In this context, Prof. Dr. Budke has already investigated ideological education in geography education in the GDR. Further research projects in this field can be found here.


Budke, Alexandra und Kuckuck, Miriam (Hrsg.) (2016): Politische Bildung im Geographieunterricht. Stuttgart.

Budke, Alexandra (2010): „und der Zukunft abgewandt…“ – Ideologische Erziehung im Geographieunterricht der DDR. Göttingen.

Budke, Alexandra und Wienecke, Maik (2013): Videoanalyse zur Ideologischen Erziehung von Geographiestudierenden in der DDR. In: Schluß, Henning und May, Jehle (Hrsg.): Videodokumentation von Unterricht. Zugänge zu einer neuen Quellengattung der Unterrichtsforschung. Wiesbaden. S. 87-105.


DiGeo - Professional concepts for the responsible use of digital geomedia in teacher training

Sub-project: Argumentation


Project participants: Sebastian Seidel, Alexandra Budke

Cooperation partners: Inga Gryl, Detlef Kanwischer, Uwe Schulze

Financed by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Time period: Start November 2019

Digital geomedia applications such as GoogleEarth or have a high relevance in everyday life. Teachers of geography and subject teaching need the ability to provide their students with the necessary media and data skills for responsible and reflective use. The joint project DiGeo is developing a digital subject concept for the use of digital geomedia in geography teacher education. For this purpose, subject- and media-didactic standards for digital geomedia are formulated as applicable digital teaching/learning media. In the sub-project Argumentation, the usability of digital geomedia to strengthen the argumentation skills of students of teaching professions will be examined.





Completed projects



Borders and Boundaries in geography education


Project participants: Sebastian Seidel, Alexandra Budke

Period: 2016 - 2020

Spatial borders are a very complex social and geographical phenomenon. Geography lessons occupy a key position in their thematization and can therefore make a significant contribution to the political education of students by not describing these spatial-political boundaries as natural phenomena, but instead by highlighting how they are constructed communicatively and socially and what consequences these spatial and boundary constructions have on different levels of scale and for different individuals and groups. Within the framework of Sebastian Seidel's dissertation project, three studies were carried out against the background of the overarching research question: "How can the current state of research in political geography be conceptualized and further developed in terms of geography didactics in order to deal with spatial borders, so that it can be used for geography lessons?


Seidel, S., Bettinger, P. & Budke, A. (2020). Representations and Concepts of Borders in Digital Strategy Games and Their Potential for Political Education in Geography Teaching. In: Education Sciences. 2020; 10(1):10. (Link)*

Seidel, S. & Budke, A. (2019). "A border is a ban" - Students' Conceputal Understanding and Experiences of Europe's Borders and Boundaries. In: Review of International Geographical Education Online, Vol. 9(1), 82-101 (Link)*

Morawski, M. & Seidel, S. (2019). Wem gehört Kaschmir? - Raumansprüche durch reflektierte Kartenproduktion dekonstruieren. In: Praxis Geographie, H.1/2019, 42-47 (Link)

Seidel, S. & Budke, A. (2018). „Naja, da war ein Schild an der Autobahn– SchülerInnenvorstellungen von räumlichen Grenzen am Beispiel Europas. In: Budke, A. & M. Kuckuck (Hg.): Migration und geographische Bildung. Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart. 173-187. (Link)

Seidel, S. & Budke, A. (2017). Keine Räume ohne Grenzen - Typen von Raumgrenzen für den Geographieunterricht. In: zdg - zeitschrift der didaktik der gesellschaftswissenschaften, H.2 - 2017, 41-59 (Link)*



Planning in Geography Education


Project participants: Veit Maier, Alexandra Budke

Time period: completed in 2018

Conflicts over land use and related planning solutions are publicly discussed in democratic societies worldwide. In order to participate constructively in this debate, future generations must acquire specific factual knowledge and acquire various skills. The project investigated how spatial planning is treated in geography textbooks, how it is carried out by pupils in the classroom, how it is understood by prospective geography teachers and what conclusions can be drawn from this.


Maier, V. (2018): „Das alles und noch viel mehr...“ Untersuchungen von Planungsaufgaben aus Geographieschulbüchern, dem Planungsprozess von Schüler*innen im Geographieunterricht und dem Verständnis von angehenden Geographielehrer*innen bezüglich des räumlichen Planens. Dissertation. Köln: Universität zu Köln.

Maier, Veit und Budke, Alexandra (2016): The Use of Planning in English and German (NRW) Geography School Books. In: RIGEO (6) 1, S. 8-31.

Maier, Veit und Budke, Alexandra (2016): Politische Bildung durch Planungsaufgaben – Ein Vergleich deutscher und britischer Geographieschulbücher. In: Budke, Alexandra und Kuckuck, Miriam (Hrsg.; 2016): Politische Bildung im Geographieunterricht. Stuttgart. S. 187-197.

Maier, Veit und Budke, Alexandra (2017): Internationalization of Teacher education: A case study of dutch and german geography students´understanding of spatial planning. In: European Journal of Geography Volume 8, Number 5, S. 43 – 61.

Maier, Veit und Budke, Alexandra (2018): Wie planen Schüler/innen? Die Bedeutung der Argumentation bei der Lösung von räumlichen Planungsaufgaben. In: GW-Unterricht. Bd. 149. S. 16-29


Attitudes of geography teachers towards political education


Project participants: Alexandra Budke, Maik Wienecke and Miriam Kuckuck

Political education is firmly anchored as a cross-disciplinary teaching principle in German school laws and in curricula for geography/geography. To date, however, there are only a few empirical, geography-didactic studies on the subject. To what extent, how and with what success political education is actually implemented in geography lessons has rarely been investigated. For this reason, this project deals with the views of geography teachers on political education and with their patterns of action in the context of political education. More than 100 geography teachers from different federal states were surveyed with qualitative interviews.


Budke, Alexandra, Kuckuck, Miriam und Wienecke, Maik (2016): Bedeutung der politischen Bildung im Geographieunterricht aus der Sicht von Geographielehrkräften. In: GW- Unterricht. 142/143 (2-3/2016). S. 49-61.

Budke, Alexandra, Kuckuck, Miriam und Wienecke, Maik (2016): Realisierungen der Politischen Bildung im Geographieunterricht. Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie mit Geographielehrkräften. In: Budke, Alexandra und Kuckuck, Miriam (Hrsg.; 2016): Politische Bildung im Geographieunterricht. Stuttgart. S. 155-165.

Budke, Alexandra und Kuckuck, Miriam (2019): Meinungsbildung im Geographieunterricht – Perspektiven von Geographielehrkräften auf die Politische Bildung. In: Lotz, Mathias und Pohl, Kerstin (Hrsg.): Gesellschaft im Wandel. Neue Aufgaben für die politische Bildung und ihre Didaktik. 2019, S. 141-148.