Migration [EN]
Migration is a central theme in geography lessons due to its manifold spatial effects. This offers the opportunity to address not only historical processes but also current phenomena in their spatial manifestations. However, migration is not only relevant for geography lessons as a teaching topic, but also represents a significant influencing factor which influences the abilities and value orientations of students and teachers.
Budke, Alexandra und Kuckuck, Miriam (Hrsg.) (2018): Migration und Geographische Bildung. Stuttgart.
Budke, Alexandra (2003): Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungsmuster im Kulturkontakt. Studien über Austauschstudenten in wechselnden Kontexten.
Göttingen. (=Osnabrücker Studien zur Geographie. Bd. 25).
Didactic reconstruction of the topic of illegal migration
Project participants: Andreas Hoogen, Alexandra Budke
Period: completed 2015
Pupils are constantly confronted with images of people trying to cross borders illegally in boats, as well as with corresponding opinions, moods and stereotypes. In this research project, the research framework of didactic reconstruction was used to explore the question of what ideas about illegal migration students bring to class and how this class must be structured if it is to be linked to the learning conditions.
Budke, Alexandra und Hoogen, Andreas (2017): Migration durch das "Nadelöhr" - wie visuelle Darstellungen von Grenzüberschreitungen in Geographieschulbüchern die Schülervorstellungen von „illegaler“ Migration beeinflussen. In: Jahnke, Holger, Schlottmann, Antje, Dickel, Mirka und (Hrsg.): Räume visualisieren. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen Bd. 62. Münster. S. 3-17.
Budke, Alexandra und Hoogen, Andreas (2017): „Das Boot ist voll“ - Wie Bilder in Geographieschulbüchern Vorstellungen von „illegalen“ Migrantinnen und Migranten produzieren: In: Christoph Rass und Melanie Ulz (Hrsg.): Migration ein Bild geben. Visuelle Aushandlungen von Diversität. Wiesbaden: Springer. S. 129-160. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-10442-9_7
Hoogen, Andreas (2015): Didaktische Rekonstruktion des Themas Illegale Migration Argumentationsanalytische Untersuchung von Schüler*innenvorstellungen im Fach Geographie. Dissertation, Universität zu Köln. https://www.uni-muenster.de/imperia/md/content/geographiedidaktische-forschungen/pdfdok/band_59.pdf
Highly skilled Migrants in Urban Society

Migrants with higher qualifications are becoming increasingly important in Germany. This is partly due to the shortage of skilled workers in the context of demographic change and partly to the growing demand for foreign managers and experts as a result of increased globalization of the economy.
PD Dr. Günther Weiss is a member of a working group consisting of geographers from the universities of Aachen, Bonn and Cologne. Their aim is to find out how highly qualified migrants integrate into the urban society of their place of residence and work. In a first study, foreign employees at the universities of the three participating locations were examined with this aspect in mind.